
Before installing locally, there is a "playground" available at ▶️ which you can use to play around with the language. The first few chapters of the book use that, so if you want to follow along with the tutorial, you can skip this chapter until prompted to install Spade locally.

At the moment, Spade works best on Linux systems, though macOS also works quite well with only a few minor issues1. Windows is not supported for now, though it should be usable in WSL.

In order to install Spade, you need the Rust toolchain, specifically cargo. If you don't have it installed, you can install it with Simply run the command there, make sure its binaries are in your PATH and then run rustup toolchain install stable

Unless you have specific needs, you should install the Spade compiler via its build tool Swim. Swim then manages the compiler version on a per-project basis. To install Swim, run

cargo install --git

If you are on arch-linux you can also install the swim-git package from the aur

You should now be able to create a swim project using swim init hello_world

Synthesis Tools and Simulators

Spade compiles to Verilog code which is simulated and synthesised (compiled to hardware) by other tools. In particular cocotb for simulation, and yosys+nextpnr for synthesis.

Automated install

The easiest way to install those tools is via Swim. This is done by running

swim install-tools

which downloads into ~/.local/share/swim. If it is installed, swim will always use the cad-suite tools instead of system tools.

NOTE: If you need to uninstall those tools, remove ~/.local/share/swim/bin

Manual install

You can also install the tools manually. Refer to the individual installation instructions in that case. The tools you need are:

If you're just starting out, you probably don't need all of these. Start of by simulating your designs using cocotb and icarus, then you can move on to testing in hardware using yosys and nextpnr.

If your simulations are too slow, you can try verilator

Next steps

Now, move on to setting up your editor to work with Spade.