Editor Setup

Before installing locally, there is a "playground" available at ▶️ play.spade-lang.org which you can use to play around with the language. The first few chapters of the book use that, so if you want to follow along with the tutorial, you can skip this chapter until prompted to install Spade locally.

There are a variety of third-party plugins integrating Spade in different editors.


If you use Neovim, you can use spade.nvim, which is maintained by Ethan at that GitHub repository. This plugin sets up syntax highlighting and LSP automatically along with some other quality-of-life features.

Otherwise, you can use https://gitlab.com/spade-lang/spade-vim, following the instructions at that repository for manual setup.



Other Editors

Made a plugin for your favorite editor? Submit a merge request to add it to this list!