LED protocol overview

Now that we are familiar with the project layout, we can start writing the driver for our LEDs. To do so, a good place to start is the datasheet. By reading it we can find out how the protocol works:

The LEDs are chained together, with us talking to the data in pin on the first LED in the chain, and it relaying messages to the rest of the chain automatically.

Data transmission consists of 3 symbols:

  • 0 code
  • 1 code
  • RET code

Each LED has 24 bit color, 8 bits per channel and the transmission order is GRB 1 with the most significant bit first. The first 24 bits of color control the first LED, the next 24 the second and so on, until the RET code is sent at which point data transmission re-starts from the beginning


Because apparently standard color orders like RGB is too mainstream

As a more graphical example, a transmission of the color information for a sequence of three LEDs look like this:

| G7..0 | R7..0 | B7..0 | G7..0 | R7..0 | B7..0 | G7..0 | R7..0 | B7..0 | RET |...
|<        LED 1        >|<        LED 2        >|<        LED 2        >|     |< ...

Each color segment is a sequence of 1 or 0 codes depending on the desired color for that led and color channel.

We should also have a look at the waveform of the 0, 1 and RET codes which look like this (see the datasheet for prettier figures):

0 code

| T0H |    T0L   |

I.e. a signal that is High for T0H units of time, followed by Low for T0L units of time

1 code

|   T1H   |  T1L |

I.e. a signal that is High for T1H units of time, followed by Low for T1L units of time. It is very similar to the 0 code, but for the 1 code, the high duration is longer than the low duration.

RET code

The RET code is just a Low signal which lasts for Tret units of time.

NOTE: The datasheet usually refers to this signal as reset and the timing as Treset. In order to make the rest of this text less confusing, we use the name ret throughout, as we already have a FPGA reset signal in our design which has different purposes.


We'll leave the durations of the signals for now and get back to them when we start implementing things. If you're curious already, have a look at the datasheet.

With the discussion of the external protocol out of the way, the next section will discuss our internal protocol, i.e. what interface we expose to users of our driver.