
The main project configuration specified in swim.toml


# The name of the library. Must be a valid Spade identifier
# Anything defined in this library will be under the `name` namespace
name = "…"
# List of optimization passes to apply in the Spade compiler. The passes are applied
# in the order specified here. Additional passes specified on individual modules with
# #[optimize(...)] are applied before global passes.
optimizations = ["…", …]
# List of commands to run before anything else.
preprocessing = ["…", …] # Optional
# Map of libraries to include in the build.
# Example:
# ```toml
# [libraries]
# protocols = {git =}
# spade_v = {path = "deps/spade-v"}
# ```
libraries = {key: <Library>, …} # Optional
# Plugins to load. Specifies the location as a library, as well
# as arguments to the plugin
# Example:
# ```toml
# [plugins.loader_generator]
# path = "../plugins/loader_generator/"
# args.asm_file = "asm/blinky.asm"
# args.template_file = "../templates/program_loader.spade"
# args.target_file = "src/programs/blinky_loader.spade"
# [plugins.flamegraph]
# git = ""
# ```
# Plugins contain a `swim_plugin.toml` which describes their behaviour.
# See [crate::plugin::config::PluginConfig] for details
plugins = {key: <Plugin>, …} # Optional

# Where to find the Spade compiler. See [Library] for details

# Verilog to import in both simulation and synthesis.
[verilog] # Optional


[synthesis] # Optional

# Preset board configuration which can be used instead of synthesis, pnr, packing and upload
[board] # Optional

[pnr] # Optional

[packing] # Optional

[upload] # Optional


name String

The name of the library. Must be a valid Spade identifier Anything defined in this library will be under the name namespace

optimizations [String]

List of optimization passes to apply in the Spade compiler. The passes are applied in the order specified here. Additional passes specified on individual modules with #[optimize(...)] are applied before global passes.

compiler Library

Where to find the Spade compiler. See [Library] for details

preprocessing [String]

List of commands to run before anything else.

verilog ImportVerilog

Verilog to import in both simulation and synthesis.

simulation Simulation

synthesis Synthesis

board Board

Preset board configuration which can be used instead of synthesis, pnr, packing and upload

pnr Pnr

packing PackingTool

upload UploadTool

libraries Map[String => Library]

Map of libraries to include in the build.


protocols = {git =}
spade_v = {path = "deps/spade-v"}

plugins Map[String => Plugin]

Plugins to load. Specifies the location as a library, as well as arguments to the plugin


path = "../plugins/loader_generator/"
args.asm_file = "asm/blinky.asm"
args.template_file = "../templates/program_loader.spade"
args.target_file = "src/programs/blinky_loader.spade"

git = ""

Plugins contain a swim_plugin.toml which describes their behaviour. See [crate::plugin::config::PluginConfig] for details

log_output LogOutputLevel


One of these strings:

  • "Full"
  • "Minimal"


args = {key: "…", …}


lib Library

args Map[String => String]


One of the following:


tool = "icesprog"



tool = "iceprog"



tool = "tinyprog"



tool = "openocd"
config_file = "path/to/file"

config_file FilePath


tool = "fujprog"



tool = "openFPGALoader"
board = "…"

board String


Instead of running a pre-defined set of commands to upload, run the specified list of commands in a shell. #packing_result# will be replaced by the packing output

tool = "custom"
commands = ["…", …]

commands [String]


One of the following:


tool = "icepack"



tool = "ecppack"
idcode = "…" # Optional

idcode String


tool = "gowin_pack"
device = "…"

device String


One of the following:


architecture = "ice40"

# If set, inputs and outputs of the top module do not need a corresponding field
# in the pin file. This is helpful for benchmarking when pin mapping is irreleveant, but
# when running in hardware, it is recommended to leave this off in order to get a warning
# when pins aren't set in the pin file.
allow_unconstrained = true|false
# Continue to the upload step even if the timing isn't met.
# This is helpful when you suspect that the place-and-route tool is conservative
# with its timing requirements, but gives no guarantees about correctness.
allow_timing_fail = true|false
# The path to a file which maps inputs and outputs of your top module to physical pins.
# On ECP5 chips, this is a `pcf` file, and on iCE40, it is an `lpf` file.
pin_file = "path/to/file"

device_args Ice40Args

allow_unconstrained bool

If set, inputs and outputs of the top module do not need a corresponding field in the pin file. This is helpful for benchmarking when pin mapping is irreleveant, but when running in hardware, it is recommended to leave this off in order to get a warning when pins aren't set in the pin file.

allow_timing_fail bool

Continue to the upload step even if the timing isn't met. This is helpful when you suspect that the place-and-route tool is conservative with its timing requirements, but gives no guarantees about correctness.

pin_file FilePath

The path to a file which maps inputs and outputs of your top module to physical pins. On ECP5 chips, this is a pcf file, and on iCE40, it is an lpf file.


architecture = "ecp5"

# If set, inputs and outputs of the top module do not need a corresponding field
# in the pin file. This is helpful for benchmarking when pin mapping is irreleveant, but
# when running in hardware, it is recommended to leave this off in order to get a warning
# when pins aren't set in the pin file.
allow_unconstrained = true|false
# Continue to the upload step even if the timing isn't met.
# This is helpful when you suspect that the place-and-route tool is conservative
# with its timing requirements, but gives no guarantees about correctness.
allow_timing_fail = true|false
# The path to a file which maps inputs and outputs of your top module to physical pins.
# On ECP5 chips, this is a `pcf` file, and on iCE40, it is an `lpf` file.
pin_file = "path/to/file"

device_args Ecp5Args

allow_unconstrained bool

If set, inputs and outputs of the top module do not need a corresponding field in the pin file. This is helpful for benchmarking when pin mapping is irreleveant, but when running in hardware, it is recommended to leave this off in order to get a warning when pins aren't set in the pin file.

allow_timing_fail bool

Continue to the upload step even if the timing isn't met. This is helpful when you suspect that the place-and-route tool is conservative with its timing requirements, but gives no guarantees about correctness.

pin_file FilePath

The path to a file which maps inputs and outputs of your top module to physical pins. On ECP5 chips, this is a pcf file, and on iCE40, it is an lpf file.


architecture = "gowin"

# If set, inputs and outputs of the top module do not need a corresponding field
# in the pin file. This is helpful for benchmarking when pin mapping is irreleveant, but
# when running in hardware, it is recommended to leave this off in order to get a warning
# when pins aren't set in the pin file.
allow_unconstrained = true|false
# Continue to the upload step even if the timing isn't met.
# This is helpful when you suspect that the place-and-route tool is conservative
# with its timing requirements, but gives no guarantees about correctness.
allow_timing_fail = true|false
# The path to a file which maps inputs and outputs of your top module to physical pins.
# On ECP5 chips, this is a `pcf` file, and on iCE40, it is an `lpf` file.
pin_file = "path/to/file"

device_args GowinArgs

allow_unconstrained bool

If set, inputs and outputs of the top module do not need a corresponding field in the pin file. This is helpful for benchmarking when pin mapping is irreleveant, but when running in hardware, it is recommended to leave this off in order to get a warning when pins aren't set in the pin file.

allow_timing_fail bool

Continue to the upload step even if the timing isn't met. This is helpful when you suspect that the place-and-route tool is conservative with its timing requirements, but gives no guarantees about correctness.

pin_file FilePath

The path to a file which maps inputs and outputs of your top module to physical pins. On ECP5 chips, this is a pcf file, and on iCE40, it is an lpf file.




device GowinDevice


One of these strings:

  • "GW1NR-UV9QN881C6/I5"
  • "GW1N-LV1QN48C6/I5"
  • "GW1NZ-LV1QN48C6/I5"
  • "GW1NSR-LV4CQN48PC7/I6"
  • "GW1NR-LV9QN88PC6/I5"
  • "GW2AR-LV18QN88C8/I7"
  • "GW2A-LV18PG256C8/I7"
  • "GW1N-UV4LQ144C6/I5"
  • "GW1NS-UX2CQN48C5/I4"
  • "GW1NR-LV9LQ144PC6/I5"

One of these strings:

  • "GW2A-18C"
  • "GW2AR-18C"
  • "GW2ANR-18C"
  • "String" Specify a raw string for the family instead of the swim-provided families. Used if swim doesn't support the configuration you want.

One of these strings:

  • "GW1N-9C"
  • "String" Specify a raw string for the family instead of the swim-provided families. Used if swim doesn't support the configuration you want.

One of these strings:

  • "GW1NZ-1"
  • "String" Specify a raw string for the family instead of the swim-provided families. Used if swim doesn't support the configuration you want.


package = "…"


package String

device Ecp5Device


One of these strings:

  • "LFE5U-12F"
  • "LFE5U-25F"
  • "LFE5U-45F"
  • "LFE5U-85F"
  • "LFE5UM-25F"
  • "LFE5UM-45F"
  • "LFE5UM-85F"
  • "LFE5UM5G-25F"
  • "LFE5UM5G-45F"
  • "LFE5UM5G-85F"


package = "…"


package String

device Ice40Device


One of these strings:

  • "iCE40LP384"
  • "iCE40LP1K"
  • "iCE40LP4K"
  • "iCE40LP8K"
  • "iCE40HX1K"
  • "iCE40HX4K"
  • "iCE40HX8K"
  • "iCE40UP3K"
  • "iCE40UP5K"
  • "iCE5LP1K"
  • "iCE5LP2K"
  • "iCE5LP4K"

One of the following:


name = "Ecpix5"
pin_file = "path/to/file" # Optional
config_file = "path/to/file" # Optional

pin_file FilePath

config_file FilePath


name = "GoBoard"
pcf = "path/to/file" # Optional

pcf FilePath


name = "tinyfpga-bx"
pcf = "path/to/file" # Optional

pcf FilePath


name = "Icestick"
pcf = "path/to/file" # Optional

pcf FilePath



# The name of the unit to use as a top module for the design. The name must
# be an absolute path to the unit, for example `proj::main::top`, unless the
# module is marked `#[no_mangle]` in which case the name is used.
# Can also be set to the name of a module defined in verilog if a pure verilog top
# is desired.
top = "…"
# The yosys command to use for synthesis
command = "…"

# Extra verilog files only needed during the synthesis process.
[verilog] # Optional

top String

The name of the unit to use as a top module for the design. The name must be an absolute path to the unit, for example proj::main::top, unless the module is marked #[no_mangle] in which case the name is used.

Can also be set to the name of a module defined in verilog if a pure verilog top is desired.

command String

The yosys command to use for synthesis

verilog ImportVerilog

Extra verilog files only needed during the synthesis process.



# Directory containing all test benches
testbench_dir = "path/to/file"
# Extra dependencies to install to the test venv via pip
python_deps = ["…", …] # Optional
# The simulator to use as the cocotb backend. Currently verified to support verilator and
# icarus, but other simulators supported by cocotb may also work.
# Defaults to 'icarus'
# Requires a relatively recent version of verilator
simulator = "…"
# The C++ version to use when compiling verilator test benches. Anything that
# clang or gcc accepts in the -std= field works, but the verilator wrapper requires
# at least c++17.
# Defaults to c++17
cpp_version = "…" # Optional
# Extra arguments to pass to verilator when building C++ test benches. Supports substituting
# `#ROOT_DIR#` to get project-relative directories
verilator_args = ["…", …] # Optional

testbench_dir FilePath

Directory containing all test benches

python_deps [String]

Extra dependencies to install to the test venv via pip

simulator String

The simulator to use as the cocotb backend. Currently verified to support verilator and icarus, but other simulators supported by cocotb may also work.

Defaults to 'icarus'

Requires a relatively recent version of verilator

cpp_version String

The C++ version to use when compiling verilator test benches. Anything that clang or gcc accepts in the -std= field works, but the verilator wrapper requires at least c++17. Defaults to c++17

verilator_args [String]

Extra arguments to pass to verilator when building C++ test benches. Supports substituting #ROOT_DIR# to get project-relative directories



# Search paths for Verilog include directives.
include = ["path/to/file", …] # Optional
# Paths to Verilog files to import. Supports glob syntax.
sources = ["…", …] # Optional

include [FilePath]

Search paths for Verilog include directives.

sources [String]

Paths to Verilog files to import. Supports glob syntax.


Location of a library or external code. Either a link to a git repository, or a path relative to the root of the project.

compiler = {git = ""}
path = "compiler/"

One of the following:


Downloaded from git and managed by swim

git = "…"
commit = "…" # Optional
tag = "…" # Optional
branch = "…" # Optional

git String

commit String

tag String

branch String


A library at the specified path. The path is relative to swim.toml

path = "path/to/file"

path FilePath